Packing Audio Components

If you are willing to send your component in for service or modification, it is worth protecting. Regardless of the shipping carrier, there is almost always an instance where the package will be treated with less respect than it deserves, so when packing it is imperative to consider how it can be dropped, crushed, or impacted. Here I show examples using a Parasound A21 power amplifier.  
If there is a side that stays upright, the bottom layer should be doubled so that it is not compacted with weight causing space in the box with time. Here is one layer of 2" high density foam.
Big heavy objects gain inertia with movement, so you want to distribute the weight evenly across the entire surface, taking the unit off of the feet completely. The feet create a focal point of weight and energy that can shift in transit or cause damage. Note the pockets here where the feet fit into, no weight is put on the feet at all. 
Anything that moves should be secured or removed. Thoroughly brace throughout with dense packing material that won’t compact with the weight of the component. Protect all sides of the unit, with nothing touching any knobs or controls, and completely fill the cavity. Extra care and protection should be taken to the corners of the unit, especially if one side is heavier than another. Once the box is taped shut, you should not feel it move or shift.
Double box! This is being placed in a second box with a packing peanut base, and completely stuffed with foam.

Should you have any questions or need assistance in better packing your equipment, please send me a message