Gilbert Yeung Reviews

C312 Preamplifier - SoundStage Ultra Review

C312 Preamplifier - SoundStage Ultra Review

"Well yeah, my first exposure was a positive experience. I totally expected the C312 to sound good at worst, and superb at best. Yeung is a stone-cold genius. I’ve reviewed a...

C312 Preamplifier - SoundStage Ultra Review

"Well yeah, my first exposure was a positive experience. I totally expected the C312 to sound good at worst, and superb at best. Yeung is a stone-cold genius. I’ve reviewed a...

C312 Preamp & SP36 Cap Pack - Tracking Angle Review

C312 Preamp & SP36 Cap Pack - Tracking Angle Re...

" “This one is gonna be fun,” I told myself when George Taylor of Entracte Audio emailed to inform me that an Angela/Gilbert Yeung C312 preamp was ready to ship....

C312 Preamp & SP36 Cap Pack - Tracking Angle Re...

" “This one is gonna be fun,” I told myself when George Taylor of Entracte Audio emailed to inform me that an Angela/Gilbert Yeung C312 preamp was ready to ship....